Skrivet den 22 juli 2005, 00:51 av StivO
Jag älskar den serien! Deras dialoger och små smygande men ändå så uppenbara etiklektioner.
Sättet de springer på. De verkar liksom inte ha bråttom utan de lunkar istället lite slött och ser ut att tänka "Well, vi kommer fram när vi kommer fram!".
Små grejor som när ett telegrambud kommer fram till Batman, Robin och två poliser och säger "Telegram for Batman?", varpå Lädis svarar "Yes! I'm Batman!". Som om inte det vore uppenbart att en snubbe av fyra har en grå spandex-dräkt med ett stort fladdermusmärke på bröstet, och en huva med öron på, vore Batman? =)
Och sättet de löser gåtor på...
Commissioner Gordon: It could be any one of them... But which one? Which ones?
Batman: Pretty *fishy* what happened to me on that ladder...
Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there's a fish there could be a penguin?
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea... Sea. C for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet, an exploding shark *was* pulling my leg...
Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
Chief O'Hara: All adds up to a sinister riddle... Riddle-R. Riddler!
Commissioner Gordon: A thought strikes me... So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance...
Batman: The four of them... Their forces combined...
Robin: Holy nightmare!
Oslagbart! =)
Robin: When you think, Batman, with those 4 supercrooks hangin' around, it's amazing somebody hasn't already reported this place to the police!
Batman: It's a low neighborhood, full of rumpots. They're used to curious sights, which they attribute to alcoholic delusions.
Robin: Gosh, drink is sure a filthy thing, isn't it? I'd rather be dead than unable to trust my own eyes!
Ännu fler gåtlösningar:
Batman: [reading a riddle] What has yellow skin and writes?
Robin: A ball-point bananna!
Batman: Exactly! [reads the second riddle] What people are always in a hurry?
Robin: Rushing people... Russians!
Batman: So this means...
Robin: A Russian is going to slip on a banana and hurt himself!
Batman: Precisely, Robin!
Batman: Look at this pair of joking riddles.
Chief O'Hara: [reads] What does a turkey do when he flies upside down?
Robin: He gobbles up!
Chief O'Hara: Of course.
Batman: And, number two...
Commissioner Gordon: [reads] What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree and is very dangerous?
Robin: A sparrow with a machine gun!
Commissioner Gordon: Yes, of course.